What We Do in Teacher Academy

Hands-On Education
In the Classroom
Work in local area classrooms as an aide
Facilitate small group and one-on-one work with special needs students
Earn your State-Tested Paraprofessional License
Train in Child Abuse and Awareness Prevention,
CPR, and First Aid
Receive instruction in child and adolescent development
Visit Ohio colleges and universities
Participate in Educators Rising Competitions
Skills for the Future
College prep skills
Critical thinking skills
Develop a professional portfolio to document achievements and experiences
Classroom management, lesson planning, and designing a productive learning environment
Interpersonal communication
Time management
Philosophies, foundations, and theories of education

Teacher Academy classes are held at Edison State Community College, adjacent to the Upper Valley Career Center.
Career Development

Career Opportunities
Pre-K, Elementary, middle, or high school teacher
Teacher's Aide | Paraprofessional
Speech pathologist
Guidance counselor
Special education teacher
School psychologist
Curriculum director
School Administrator
With a paraprofessional license, students can be employed as an aide immediately after high school.
Occupational Outlook
Ohio average salary $57,000 (2016-17 stats) nces.ed.gov
Overall employment for K-12l teachers is projected to grow 7-8% from 2016 to 2026, which is average for all occupations
During this same period, a significant number of teachers will reach retirement age, creating job openings
Opportunities are especially available is the areas of math, science, English as a second language, and special education
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, High School Teachers
Prerequisites for Admission
A college prep student with at least a 2.5 GPA
95% or better attendance
Counselor recommendation
On track to graduate
Students with a GPA less than 2.50 MAY apply with counselor/teacher/principal recommendation.
College & Advanced Education

College Credits
12 college credit hours available.
Students who successfully complete Teacher Academy and obtain a score of 85 or higher on the Tech Prep Teaching Professionals Portfolio can transfer course credit 3 semester hours to any state institution of higher learning.
Scholarship opportunities
Flexibility with academic class scheduling
College Credit Plus
Education at Edison
Edison State Community College has articulation agreements with several universities in Ohio. Students work closely with an Edison State advisor to ensure the correct courses are taken for each transfer school.
Common courses towards all K-12 majors and all transfer schools include:
COM 121S: Fundamentals of Communication
EDU 111S (Teacher Academy)
EDU 213S: Exceptionalities
EDU 226S: Educational Psychology
ENG 121S: Composition I
ENG 122S: Composition II
PSY 121S: Introduction to Psychology
HUM 121S: Introduction to Humanities
K-3 Majors only:
ECE 115S: Introduction to Child Development
Programs of Study at Edison
Associates of Arts in Education
Early Childhood Education (K-3)
Special Education or Intervention
Associates of Arts or Associates of Science in Education
Middle School Education (4-9
Two focus areas from: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies
Secondary Education (7-12)
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the Teacher Academy (TA) and Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) programs?
Teacher Academy has a focus on K-12 education for the college-bound student. Observations are completed outside of the Career Center, in public school settings. The ECEC program has a focus on the care and education of children in their preschool years.
What do you do on a daily basis?
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday we are in our classroom learning and preparing lessons
Wednesday and Friday we are in public school classrooms working with students and teachers, teaching lessons, and learning hands-on skills that teachers need
Mondays and Fridays seniors are in the classroom learning content and preparing lessons and presentations, and working on their senior portfolio
On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, seniors are out in public school classrooms working with teachers and students on many different levels
Can I still take some classes at my home school or Edison?
The TA schedule can accommodate academic classes (such as Math, English, Government, Choir) to be taken elsewhere. If you are a junior, you will have TA lab in the morning and then are free to take academics wherever you choose in the afternoon. If you are a senior, you will take your academics in the morning and then take TA in the afternoon.
Please contact your school counselor to discuss the available options for completing your academic classes, if you choose to complete somewhere besides the Career Center.
What will I learn in Teacher Academy?
You learn so many aspects of education and development.
You will learn about theories and philosophies of education.
You will learn how to make lesson plans (and then you will make them and teach them. You will do projects and hands on work as much as possible.
You will learn about how children develop and become learners and citizens.
You will also learn a lot about yourself as a learner and a leader in the class (genius hour and growth mindset).